CultureEntertainment Joe Biden Questioners asked to read from script. One of them refuses to follow rules. Jim AgnamSeptember 6, 2020
Culture Maybe not all police officers should carry lethal weapons in a Presidential election year. Jim AgnamSeptember 6, 2020
CultureEntertainment CNN Proves Journalism died in their effort to elect Joe Biden in the U.S. Presidential Election. Jim AgnamSeptember 6, 2020
CultureEntertainment Do Covid-19 Guidelines apply to everyone? CNN says it depends! Jim AgnamAugust 29, 2020
CultureEntertainment CNN Decides it is the main opposition to Trump in the 2020 election cycle. Jim AgnamAugust 25, 2020
CultureEntertainment Cancel Society: liberals go crazy after Washington Post shows Trump ad. Jim AgnamAugust 20, 2020
EntertainmentFaith God denied at the DNC : why some democrat caucuses refused to say the words ‘Under God’. Jim AgnamAugust 20, 2020
CultureEntertainment Broken Society: Era of intolerance. How Brett Favre got in trouble for playing golf with President Trump! Jim AgnamJuly 27, 2020
CultureUncategorized Broken Society: anarchists want to deface cities while leaders are scared to act. Jim AgnamJuly 20, 2020